Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Many things on my mind...

So my mind is all over the place...spring semester starts next week...I need to pray, need to read...wondering why christians allow people who aren't dictate to them what they can and cannot ever have someone tell you you aren't supposed to be doing something...but they don't know anything about you, your faith, your God or the word? Next time tell them if they put some real effort into it, and get their own relationship with God instead of the prepackaged, they might understand that being saved is more than speaking in tongues and a good two-step...yes people...we do have lives...we dance, we listen to jazz...and OOH! some of us listen to rap...but that is between us and am on a roll...guess I have more on my chest than I thought...Why is it that we (christians that is) have lost our glow? We're just too caught up in the mechanics...and we shudder at the thought of ministering to someone who actually needs stray from conversations challenging our faith because we don't KNOW the word...we rely on the pastor...smh...and HE COULD JUST be misquoting....but you wouldn't know that would you? I'm talking to me too...don't get it twisted...

For those of you who don't go to sound stupid if your reason has anyone's name other than God's in it...yes. I said stupid...yes...pastors lie...they cheat on their wives...yes...there are hoes in church...but ain't that where they need to be? YES, some of us still smoke weed...some of us struggle...where we screwed up is making it seem like we're perfect...where you screwed up is letting our imperfections impact your walk with God...we don't have a heaven or hell to put you in, and you won't get there looking at us...and we won't get there looking at each other...again...I'm talking to myself as well...

I guess this one can be called...Rants of the Righteous...yeah.

1 comment:

  1. i definately feel what you are saying J. As I've told you before...people get so caught up in "churchianity" that they lose sight of the fact that they are to seek God first! I'm diggin' the new blog!
