Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I've never felt more misunderstood or less...unimportant. It's so frustrating to feel as though my interpretation or my thoughts are always incorrect or invalid. It's possible that my vision is so blurred that nothing is what it seems, but I doubt it. I'm to the point that I just don't even want to try to talk about anything because no matter what I think it's going to be wrong anyway. I'm overreacting, digging too deep, or something else that equates to how something comes across to me is ridiculous. I'm tired of being laughed at, when I'm dead serious. I just want to be talked to like any other rational person...My rationale and another person's may vary, but it doesn't make my thoughts any less rational to me. I'm frustrated and hurt and tired of feeling that way. I sincerely feel as though all of these feelings just don't or won't's an overreaction anyway. So what's the point? I know that I misinterpret some things, but everything can't possibly be. And it hurts to feel like the things that matter to me aren't important but when the tables are turned I had better get an understanding or there's a big problem. I just need for my thoughts to be more important than that...

1 comment:

  1. Your thoughts are important. They are valid. They are you. Listen to the voices that listen to you.

    Love you sis!
